If you are constantly experiencing late payment of commercial debts, you might want to check your invoices.
A new client came to me recently…
…although clients love her work, she has always struggled to get her invoices paid.
She feels completely exhausted by the continual late payment of commercial debts. Because of that, it’s beginning to get her down.
She’s wondering if she should just ‘give up’ and work for someone else.
“At least I’d get a decent wage every week,” she said…
“…at the moment, after I’ve paid all my expenses, I can hardly afford to pay myself”
Continual late payment of commercial debts is a common nightmare scenario for small business owners. In fact, it’s one of the biggest reasons for business failure.
BUT it doesn’t have to be like that. It’s easily fixable.
My new client read through step 1 of my GET PAID! process and called me…
“OMG I can’t believe it,” she said…
“I just checked my invoices and saw that they don’t have my terms of business or the payment due date printed on them! I know they were there when I started my business…
… but I haven’t even thought of checking the integrity of my invoices once since I started out in business, they might have been like that for years”. No wonder my invoices were always paid late.
Annihilate Late Payment of Commercial Debts
Now that my new client has followed the GET PAID ‘Invoice Creation Checklist’, the invoice she sent out 2 weeks ago has just been paid.
“I was ready to close the doors and go back to being an employee,” she said “I’m now really excited. You have given me hope that my business can survive”.
So, if you are experiencing late payments, check your invoices and confirm that all the important pieces of information are still there.