If cash flow is a constant problem in your business, you’re not alone.
Over 60% of SMEs struggle with cash flow problems
Generally, late paid invoices are the cause….
60% of all invoices are paid late. I didn’t chase up unpaid invoices in my first year of business. BIG MISTAKE…
Suddenly, my biggest customer couldn’t pay. Without that money, I couldn’t pay my staff or suppliers. Somehow, good luck prevailed, and I got paid 2 weeks later…
… but the worry I’d felt was terrible. I didn’t ever want to feel that stressed ever again…
…so I incorporated a 5-Step ‘customer-care’ process…
… into our SALES -> CASH PROCESS. Who has heard of that before?
Customers had no idea that our service calls were to make sure they paid us…
… they loved our service, paid on time and reordered and recommended us to other businesses!!
15 years later that business was so profitable that I sold it and retired to France.
Without my 5-Step GET PAID! process, I wouldn’t have been able to do that. Don’t let cash flow problems stress you out…
… instead, download your FREE copy of my 5-Step GET PAID! cheat-sheet on the right-hand side of this post.
Small business is already a challenge. Be cashed-up and stress-free at least… What are you waiting for?
To your business success!