Will A Rocket Scientist Get Your Invoices Paid On Time?

polite request for payment

ANSWER: No. You just need a customer service focus and a simple admin process so you can make a polite request for payment. Proven.

5 Quick Tips to Get You Started

Tip #1: People pay people they like, so make a polite request. Over-service your customer.

Tip #2: Invoices with errors end at the bottom of the payment pile. Are your invoices 100% checked and correct?

Tip #3: Make a ‘service call’ to your customer BEFORE your invoice is due. Totally disguise this call as a polite request for payment. Then fix potential bottlenecks or hold-ups.

Tip #4: Feel confident by being knowledgeable. Knowledge is power. Power = confidence

Tip #5: It’s OK not to know the answer to everything.  However, have a script handy to slide you out of any sticky questions.

Follow these five tips, make all your payment requests polite, and then watch your cash flow, AND your business grow.

To your success getting paid – on time, every time!

To your success getting paid – on time, every time!